Let’s call this what it is. Without the American press even noticing, Donald Trump has started a war with Iran.

By Ken Klippenstein, Kenklipenstein.com

On February 28, the U.S. military announced that two B-52 heavy bombers flying from an “undisclosed location” in the Middle East (which I can report is the country of Qatar) dropped bombs on another “undisclosed location” (Iraq). The message wasn’t lost on neighboring Iran, whose state media warned that the B-52s are “nuclear-capable bombers” carrying a message whose recipient “was clear as day; The Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Live explosives dropped by U.S. strategic bombers in Iraq on Feb. 28

Clear as day in the Middle East, perhaps, but not in the U.S., where the show of force was barely reported at all. The Pentagon, masters of obscuring controversial things they’re doing behind sleep-inducing jargon, insisted that the B-52 exercises were merely “to assure regional partners,” to “support security and stability in the region,” and so on.


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