The pro-Israel group passed the $100 million spending mark in July, according to new FEC information.

By Donald Shaw and David Moore, Sludge

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has spent more than $100 million on federal elections so far this cycle, according to a review of the latest FEC data.

Thousands of Jews Shut Down AIPAC HQ Protesting Group’s Opposition to Ceasefire, 18 Arrested Staging Sit-In at Offices of AIPAC-Supported Senators Schumer and Gillibrand. Image: JVP
Thousands of Jews Shut Down AIPAC HQ Protesting Group’s Opposition to Ceasefire, 18 Arrested Staging Sit-In at Offices of AIPAC-Supported Senators Schumer and Gillibrand. Image: JVP

AIPAC’s PAC has spent $44.8 million as of the end of July, according to the FEC, with $42 million given to the campaigns of members of Congress and other candidates, as well as to party groups and leadership PACs.

The vast majority of AIPAC PAC’s spending has come in the form of earmarked donations made by individuals in the United States who support the pro-Israel group.

AIPAC’s super PAC, the United Democracy Project (UDP), has spent about $55.4 million so far this election cycle, according to the FEC. More than $35 million of that spending has been on independent expenditures for things like television ads and mailers designed to influence voters, while the rest has been for operating expenses and contributions to other political groups.

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