Shouldn’t our president and the military he commands, watch their step in such hazardous international tensions?

By Scott Fina, Santa Maria Times

In recent times, have there been more troubled regions bearing conflicts with potential to instigate nuclear war, than Ukraine in Eastern Europe and Palestine in the Middle East?

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As Commander in Chief, Joe Biden has overseen the U.S. arming of Ukraine and Israel in their respective conflicts with Russia and Hamas, and in effect, helped prolong them. He has also committed to modernizing U.S. nuclear weapons, over which he has singular authority to order their use in a conflict.

In this international context, Biden’s leadership has been abysmal from the perspective of peace.

Sadly, he once offered promise in seeking nuclear disarmament.

Days before the inauguration of President Trump, then Vice President Biden called for the U.S. to adopt a “no-first use” of nuclear weapons policy. He believed such weapons should only be used as a deterrence against other nuclear nations from employing them.

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