From Sheikh Jarrah to Gaza to inside Israeli prisons, Palestinians are increasingly embracing collective resistance.

By Omar Zahzah, In These Times

In 2021, Mohammed El-Kurd, a Palestinian writer from Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem, published a poetry collection, Rifqa. The poem, ​Fifteen-Year Old Girl Killed For Attempting to Kill a Soldier (With a Nail File), Or Context,” captures a theme that animates newer generations of the movement for Palestine’s liberation. It is an angry rejection of the apologia and destructiveness of the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements (Oslo Accords), which were officially signed into law in 1995 and created the Palestinian Authority (but not a Palestinian state).

Running to catastrophe with context, / commissioning compassion, turning / heroes into humans,” El-Kurd writes, ​This is a refuted revolution.” The poem continues, in a modified refrain, ​Solidarity often is a refuted revolution.”

A young man holds a homemade painted poster reading

The poem’s accomplishment lies in its ability to relay the inherent injustice that the West inflicts on Palestinians, telling us to make our anti-colonial struggle more ​palatable” by presenting what Dalya Al Masri terms ​the perfect Palestinian victim: innocent but not defiant.” She writes, ​This is the same dialogue that created the Oslo Accords and the subcontractor of Israeli occupation, the Palestinian Authority. It also reinforces the both-sides narrative popular in the West that helps legitimize violence against Palestinians.”

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